Shadow of yesterdayHave faded away,Sun has reappearedIt’s a brand new dayBirds singing their songLoud and clear,Announcing to theworldA new day is here,Sun appears in the eastHas begun a new quest,In the middle at noonAnd then sets in thewest,Wishing youcontentmentAnd peace along thewayGood morning to youAnd have a nice day:

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صباح الخير
مشكوره يالغلا .. شهادتك اعتز فيها
وهذا من ذوقك طال عمرك
يازينها الدنيا
اذا لون الشفق امسى بشفايفها
ولابه غيري شايفها
اذا وحدي حكمت الليل
اذا غطى شعرها الليل
وامسى بجدايلها