i want to address this to your bf h0pe he will understan u!im sory bro.,your gf is just friendly i have n0 intiti0n to get ur gf! D0nt w0ry i wil n0t send a mesage to her again!just be c0ol bro!
I,m signing a sweeet friends guestbook, who,s name is yoon(hi,hi)
why sad and cry my friend?
I,m fineee. What are you doooing?
ok lunch time bye....enjoy ur chatting with " 26CLOUD " bye..
no not a sick why im mad b'coz...
just forget what say to u ok....im sorry......
...i think im sick
j0hn angry with u d0st what happend??

im just ask ok....im sorry....
wait......r u serious for love me or its a lie ?? huh!
Tnx 4 accpting!hve a nice day!



why U not reply to me huh! U not love me ?
hi......kumusta na po.? honey
yeahh,it taste g0od the best here in the phil.
i like adobo man0k to0,hehehe and i kn0w litle ,on h0w to c0ok that!hehe,
ok bye!....honey i love u toomuuaaaahhh