
kemana ajj kagak prnah liat batang idung lo??

s0 many straws, in 1 milk shake glass:-)
s0 many fight, f0r th0ri si pepsi :-)
s0 many hands, in 1 chips pack :-)
s0 many friends, 0n 1 bench :-)
s0 much laughter, 0n 1 stupid j0ke :-)
s0 many ph0ne calls, 0n birthday night :-)
s0 many hugs, f0r 1 little w0rry :-)
s0 many tears, f0r 1 little fight :-)
'Friends', are the best part 0f 0ur small life..
s0 d0n't l0se and f0rget them at any c0st.
Add me in facebook, Adi Thepure Love
ok.. Thats what u won..
I think u realy'' hate me right.. I wll andrstnt now..
U cant remove me..
I will remove
Thanks to all..
I will think to about this..
Good bye..lounazz...!!!!
Am not c u again..

am sorry bcz am so wrong..
Good u..lounaz..
Friendship is like a flower.
Friendship is like a good people who
will never hurt you.
Friendship is like a rose it just gets
prettier. Friendship is like a very good book.
Friendship is like a very good CD.
Friendship is like a rose it just gets
prettier. Friendship is like everlasting.
Friendship is like a bed of flowers it just
gets prettier.
Friendship is like a rose it just gets
prettier. Friendship is like cute kittens.
Friendship is like your very delicious
favorite cake you like.
Friendship is like a rose it just gets
notng wrong, thats gud that u honest,