">http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-set?.out=jpg&id=OprJKBT63RGEl80pF37ciw&size=l" border="0"/> Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself. ">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wcibEv0Zgfk/TRIj0midljI/AAAAAAAABZQ/kdbGoC0sYDI/s1600/1185443378_5_Rwvo.jpg" border="0"/> I used to think that the world is so unfair, that it gave me so many reasons to hate it. But now, how can I hate such a wonderful world that gave me you? ">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zKFo7OwbIp8/TNdl0Fduh1I/AAAAAAAAEn8/5VI75q_BaYs/s400/love+me+til+my+heart+stops+by+le+love.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://pics.livejournal.com/miss_wild_minx/pic/00007989/s320x240" border="0"/> your Qadir husain khan
">http://hi5sms.in/Download/Wallpapers/I-Miss-You/I-Miss-You-92.jpg" border="0"/> Please remind me 2 remind U about reminding me to send U this reminder that reminds me of reminding U that U never have to remind me 2 remember U, I ALWAYS DO! ">http://comments16.com/wp-content/uploads/9608/miss%20u.gif" border="0"/> It feels nice when some1 misses u, feels good when some1 loves u. feels better when some1's with u. But it feels the best when some1 never 4gets u ">http://www.orkutbits.com/imagescraps/miss-you/images/41.jpg" border="0"/> hope you will never forget me your QADIR HUSAIN KHAN MAY GOD BLESS YOU
">http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss169/mamavonalia/morning/red-roses-1.gif" border="0"/> ">http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx106/spiceamit4u/Good-Morning-Picture-Quote.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk70/marmar99_photos/0a80cc748ec357886db315cix8.gif" border="0"/> gOoD mOnInG mY dEaR fRiEnD HaVe A bLeSsING DAY mAy GoD bLeSs u AnD gUiDe YoU qAdIr kHaN