See Out Side The Window , Sun Rising For U , Flowers Smilling For u , Birds Singing For U , B'coz Last Night I Told Them To Wish U G@@D M@RNING , , Says : Message * SOME TEXT MISSING * , SENDER * NAME MISSING * , NUMBER MISSING * , * SENT MISSING * , * DATE MISSING * , Missing u a lot thats y every thing is missing ,
Your Soul Came Back From DreamLand Re- United With A Sleeping Senseless Piece Of Yourself Slowly Open Ur Eyes Realize Its A Brand New Day . GO ">" border="0"/>
Morning Greetings Doesn't Only Mean Saying GOOD MORNING , Its Has A Silent Messange Saying , I Remember You When I Wake Up ! Have A Nice Day ! God Is So Wise That He Never Created FRIENDS With Pricetags , Because ...... IF He Did , I Cant Afford A Precious FRIEND Like YOU!!!
The Word 'hello' means H = How R U ? E = Every thing all right ? L = Like 2 here 4rm U , O = Obviously , I miss you ! GoOd MoRnInG my sweet friend , Never Abandon Old Friends , Friendship's Is Like Wine , It Gets Better As It Grows Older , Just Like Us.... I Get Better , U Get Older ! Hve a Awsome Day , keep smilling
Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING' wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and ha , good morning , 6 rules to be HAPPY: Free ur heart from hatred; Free ur mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as FRIEND!
I just love when morning gets here , cuz i can send a great big good morning sms to my bestest friend , what a lovly way to start my day , its not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year , but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years , good morning
I Try To Beeee The Best Friend I Can Beeee , So Here U Go , Some Good Morning Flowers Right To You From Meeee , Good Morning God Picked Up A Flower & Dipped It In A Dew , Lovingly Touched It Which Turned In To U , & The He Gifted To Me & Said , THIS FRIEND IS 4U , i always missing u
Age appears to be best in some things . Old wood best to burn . Old books best to read . Old rice best to eat & old friends best to keep . Good morning
Friendship's not a game to play , not a word to say , it doesn't start in MARCH & end in MAY , it's tomorrow , yesterday , today & everyday . , Good morning
FoRgEt YoUr OwN HaPpInEsS bY tRyInG 2 cReAtE a LiTtLe HaPpInEsS fOr OtHeRs . ReMeMbEr ! WhEn U aRe GoOd 2 OtHeRs , U aRe BeSt 2 YoUr SeLf , good morning
True tearful quote- "Even my pillow understands me & makes itself dry for next day to make me comfortable,but not the person who made me cry."... Good morning