The best memories are those shared with others. It's an evitable human experience to recall events in the past either with joy or sorrow, happiness
or grief. But what makes us truly human is when we come to realize that we have lived a life of gratitude for the past and yet hope for the future.

[size=24 ]Bukan tak jadi tapi takda yg nak jadi bf aku

*"Eyes similar to the
closest star shining
bright. Her radiance
catching every bit of my
breath, this is the
embrace of something more than extravagant.
How may I describe the
idea of something that is
more than what is
humanly imagined?
Three o’clock, the hour the once dreamed
beauty became real. Her
spring like essence
warm and cool at the
same time, a smile that
relaxes me just as the raining showers in April.
Dreaming, dreaming and
now reality, she is
beauty. Dare I question
her intentions as these
thoughts quaking my mind may be nothing
but a front? A front
that the reality of this
dream is nothing but a
world created in my
head, so as not to upset the balance of my dream
bordering a nightmare.
The dream being this
beauty is real and the
nightmare wondering…
her eyes…do they truly lay upon me? Or am
selfish? Should I just be
in awe to be in the
presence of such a
beauty? One may
wonder why I trouble myself with these
thoughts, but why not?
Why not enjoy and
surround myself with
the beauty granted to
me by heaven. With this I lay my thoughts to
rest and just live the life
with the beauty that is
reality. With eyes similar
to the closest start
shining bright…she is a beauty...
Pretty brown eyes
staring at me, deepening
my trance I’ve lost all
resolve. My thoughts no
longer my own I'm a
prisoner to these pretty brown eyes, they speak
all of love and need… are
these pretty brown
eyes for me? I try to
break the control these
eyes have over me but the glow is too beautiful
to look away from and,
I think I can hear music
a symphony of sirens
making me forget my
name and the reason I'm here. Why am I here? I
think its love? My
thoughts once again
jumbled and distorted
trying to find the words
to describe those pretty brown eyes, questions
and ideas asking why?
How am I so fortunate?
Can this be real? Has this
man gained weak
knees? Has my heart begun to melt?
Supernatural…the only
word that comes to
mind, pretty brown
eyes such as these must
be ma
God opens millions
of flowers without
forcing the buds,
reminding us not
to force anything,
for things happen
perfectly in TiME.