We live on earth full of trials but by the grace of GOD, we remain standing like trees.
Even if the leaves are falling still there are new leaves of hope waiting.
When we feel being poisoned by stress, pressure, pain & failures, the best antidote is to PRAY. Nothing more, Nothing less....
GOD loves u:-)
_^^, goodmorning_
Sowieee b'cozz lte rply u xmx

I fineee.. N u???
yap i am right and you to
your right.good day to you.
gooooood morningggg frendz
as we breathe
right now,
others take
their last..
so appreciate ur life.. never mind what u dont have & start living what u got..
lets thank GOD for entrusting another day to our borrowed life..
indeed,there's so much to be thankfull for today..
thak you candy and same to you
mare trf say sub ko bohat bohat EID mubarik and always be happy