">http://www.commentsyard.com/graphics/good-night/good-night116.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://image.funscrape.com/images/e/enjoy_your_day-8456.jpg" border="0"/>
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Ramadan is loading......
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May ALLAH bestowed u peace, serenity , tranquality and health in this HOLY MONTH of ramazan Along with his blessing and bliss...
And yours ??
By the wag what you do? ?

My name is nikss
I m from india
What about you??
"Be merciful to those on the earth, so the One above the heavens (ALLAH) will be merciful to you." [At-Tabarani and al-Hakim with a sahih (authentic) chain]

">http://www.learnhow2earn.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/day.jpg" border="0"/>
"Sorry, you have exceeded your PM limit for today."
SHIT why??????