
...Dreams always come true, for those who Dreams!... Hugs&Kisses...
hi dear friend, thanx 2 accept my friend request. t.c and hav nice tym
hi dear friend, thanx 2 accept my friend request. t.c and hav nice tym
...Nothing can replace the heat of contact and meet face to face... Still, distance and cross thoughts can bring smiles, hugs and kisses...
ottima scelta...gli occhiali da sole
Every day, life reserves endless possibilities... And you have a new chance to write their own history, blank pages, and only you can fill them with new friends, people, love... Anda the book you all your dreams... Q has the courage to pick up, and fate had made only the best surprise, q the obstacles arise inspire objectivy to seek solutions, and just steps to achieve is a challenge, gotta take risks without fear of daring, climbing always the best, always give youself the absolute maximum. Finally, q prevail over all things, your goals, dreams and ideals, you...
...Vi auguro un sorriso quando si fa male un abbraccio d'amore quando si arriva solitario e soprattutto la vostra felicita dovo sei...
...La vita quotidiana detiene infinite possibilita...

tranquilla, me ne sono accorta anche io dopo!!;)no abito vicino, tra venezia e padova

ah nono scusami, piacere anna