Getting A Frnd Is Very Easy.. Choosing A Frnd Is Difficult Maintaining A Frndship May Be A Talent.. But Continuing A Good Frndship Is A Great Achievement
Every King was once a crying baby and every great building was once a map. It's not important where u r TODAY, BUT where you will reach TOMORROW is important. Have a Nice Evening
الي الأصدقاء :: الأخوة الأخوات :: كل عام وأنتم بخير :: عام 2014 :: عام _ سعيد عليكم :: :) :) :) To All my friends ..sisters..brothers .. Happy NEW YEAR 2014. Health.. Happiness.. With my best wishes 2All...with my much love ....
| Avec joie que je suis de retour pour te souhaiter une bonne année plein de bonheurs et joie et prospérité,mon amour tu es dans toujours dans mon coeurs......on se verra plus t'aime