yup that pic year s 2000.!!! but your pic ! s the Sign of traidor.show your agly face .Whay dont you show your face whay look like nude ha.!
Oh n0w i kn0w the true your a really craz. . you dont untherstand me . i as you why angry 2 me do i know you gags
Dn,t undrstnd???

ask fr0m athul she,s tell u

What ive dne 2 you? whay? u angry 2 me.? man 2 man lest talk?
im n0t a bad gay! that did you think?! i whant more frnd!!
My pic its almost year 2000!when i whas young hahaha. . look idont whana hurt you! ill make account hre coz i whant a lot of frnd n0t enemy did you untheretand me
im a poor . i dont now what 2 do . . i have a car i have tannery of leather i hve a hotel . . i have a assasin 2 kill you oh i 4 got my mafia hahaha. . . no one told me. . but i see in your .AGLY FACE THAT YOU USE A DRUGS HAHAGAHA I CANT MAKE A FUCKTORY OF DRUGS FOR YOU . HAHAHAHAHAHA THERE YOU DIE HAHAHAHA MORE DRUGS CANT SLEEP HAHAHAHAHA TAKE MORE MORE MORE DRUGS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . FUCU YOU ADICK . HAHAHAHA MORE DRUGS