your silence hurts me..plz chat with me

i am waiting for your chat.
Dear..I couldn't send you message as my pm limit exceeded..
Take care...hope u will wait for me...
I want to chat with you..but my PM limit exceed for today..have you an acnt in zedge?
This is Abhishek,wants to make frndshp with u.
Yes, n' I'm 16 year's old..
Your profile photo is that you?
leeyina u wahat ege my eag 20year nd u
leeyna am not spek english am so sory darling
untuk bisa lbih knal km lbih jauh aja.?
bleh gk minta numbr hp'nx?
jakarta jakarta mana?
Mash skolah tuh?
When the heart says"WANT", but ALLAH said"WAIT". When TEARS should perk, but ALLAH said, "Smile". When everything feels"BORING", but ALLAH said, "Keep Moving". we design, ALLAH also designed .. but ALLAH design better .. : ')
Hey leeyna.. Dri mna nih??