Thanks ya dah d knfirm N salam knal ..
There Is Not A Single Day
When I Haven't Thought About You.
There Is Not A Single Night
When I Haven't Dreamt About You,
And There Is Not A Single Moment
Ever Gonna Come In My Life
When I Stop Loving You...

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Thank you and let's be friend ;)
maaf yaa lmbt reply. . .

korban apa yaa?. . .korban kasih kali

tiada hal la tu. . .mobile n pc sama aja. . .

beda'y cmn foto gk klihatn

makasih ya pujian'y. . .

maaf. .qu fikir kmu men os guna pc version. .

itu qu lg post foto d gb kmu

klu mobile version mang gk bisa kelihatan. .hnya empty aja. . .tp d pc nampk koq

thank you dear
alhamdo llah
...Who hurts you, makes you STRONGER, who criticizes you, makes you IMPORTANT, who envy you, makes you VALUABLE. And, sometimes it's fun to know that those who wish you the worst you have to endure the BEST ever happen to YOU...