@ ZH's Palace
I miss HOCKEY so much ! i used to be training everyday with my junior's mate. Every morning we woke up at 7am if we got field training, 8am for gym training. After finished our training we would be given foods by our coach, cooked by his wife and the money food is support by our president. They make alot of effort to us, to our Hockey National Team. THANKS so much for ever hard works ! eventho we are so naughty or stonehead teens, but every morning, afternoon and night comes for training

we listen, sometime we argue with each other ! The most important thing is, we learn from mistake !
Zaza, Putri, Zura, Nani, Zaty, Eaqqah and Mona, they are all my Junior-mate and my Hostel-mate. I ♥ all of you. Bittersweet memeories we have been went through together, how tired it is, how many times we fight with each other, how harsh people treat us, how busybody others about our personal problms, but we still stand together, support each other until we show our improvement. Thanks to being my friend since Last july (2011) until now. I ♥ you all XX's
* i miss hockey's Family so much and very much :')