кредит с плохой кредитной историей

Having entered the Valley Kostya (called so because of the sparkling white facades of georgiansky mansions), she started deliberating the fruitless conversation with Mary. Certainly, Herriyet could not write about everything. If she told the truth and described a true story of the life if it opened what even alone with itself called "secret", against it the indignation wave bearing punishment and clarification which (here it had no doubts) would lead to her death would rise … And it began to tremble from a scandal anticipation, passing on Razbitykh Grez Boulevard (a place where homosexuals gathered), and there turned in Ry Potaskushek.
MAKING MONEY ON THE STOCK MARKET - CYPRUS MONEY EXCHANGE - I NEED MORE MONEY NOW Brik Lane, in one of houses of defect where buy and sell opium. To me suggested to pass upward, to the big gloomy room - it looked as a hole with lime where dump infectious corpses, - and I saw the grinning ghosts there, people who are never awake and never sleep which exist somewhere out of our world; expressions of their persons were awful - I as if it appeared among the blind men who put out each other eyes.